We are so glad you are here and considering us for your care!
We offer you a warm, welcoming atmosphere. When you choose Blessed Joy, you can enjoy hour long appointments to discuss your growing baby, giving opportunity for truly connecting and taking the time to get to know you personally. You’re choosing the ability, to choose. In every situation there will be discussion and education for informed decision making for what is best for you and your baby. We encourage you to be empowered and take charge of your health and birth.
At Blessed Joy Midwifery you are choosing to not be fearful of past birthing experiences, but to examine them, process as necessary and desired, and build a care plan for your current pregnancy and birth. We believe in VBAC births and love to empower women to consider them! We believe in the importance of health and nutrition and encourage this to be the cornerstone of your prenatal care.
We utilize supplements, offer a giant tub to birth in, different positions and counter pressure, and love and support. You are choosing a place that knows how to help you not only in the physical, but in the spiritual, emotional, and mental as well. As birth is a mixture of all of these things, we feel at Blessed Joy Midwifery that you deserve well rounded care that does not start and end with what’s going on in your body, but also with what goes on in your mind and in your heart. With the times how they are in this world, we believe this is when we need our families the most, therefore we do not limit the amount of people that are allowed to be with you as you come to your appointments, or for your birth. We also feel that everyone should be fully educated to the extent that they desire so we provide education on newborn procedures and testing, childbirth education, postpartum care, and breastfeeding.
We have two birthing suites available at our birthing center, both with beautiful tubs for water births! If you prefer a home birth, we offer that option as well. We want your partner to be as involved in your birthing experience as you want him to be! He is more than welcome to catch your baby, and we always delay cord clamping after the baby is born. We call this the golden hour and if all goes well, we give you and your partner time to be together and do whatever comes naturally in the first few moments after your precious baby is born.
All in all, Blessed Joy Midwifery is a place that allows you to go at your own pace during your labor and treats you as an individual. After our clients finish their last six-week postpartum visit, we talk about planning a 'just because visit’! Here at Blessed Joy relationships are for a lifetime!

We offer:
Informed joint decision making
Delayed cord clamping
Education on newborn procedures and testing
Partner involved and even catching baby
Family and support people able to attend your birth
Breastfeeding IBCLC and support
VBAC birth
Water birth
Home and birth center birth
Childbirth education